Friday 7 March 2014

About Me

Hi everybody,
my name is Francesca Mendolicchio and I'm a final-year student of SSML GREGORIO VII in Rome.
This blog has been created in order to discuss about my graduation thesis. I chose as topic the Phenomenon of Cosmetic Surgery.
Scrolling down the page and visiting the various sections, you will find out all the information about this topic, the video that I've realized and some information about me.
Ejoy the read!!!

Personal Information:

Here there is my Curriculum Vitae.


Ethnic cosmetic surgery
In Asia and Africa whitening cosmetics and ethnic cosmetic surgery are booming,  with specialization in westernization of facial features.
If the imposition of a single standard of beauty concerns all over the the world, as evidenced by the global business of cosmetic surgery and the alarming spread of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, the cult of physical perfection in the Eastern and African countries has gone through in recent years a dramatic degeneration.
When we talk about racism there is a trend to contextualize the phenomenon in the West. We can mention for example a country like India, where the belonging to a caste depends on the color of the skin.

Racial discrimination in former colonies is a neglected reality not very discussed, to accommodate the large market that is behind it. Continue...

Low cost surgery

Low cost surgery
Italy VS Foreign CountriesThe low cost cosmetic surgery is the true emergent phenomenon of recent years: a booming market. Unpleasant surprises are often hidden behind the offer with a too low price, and disappointment is always in ambush. Surgical operations at low prices, in inadequate facilities, without any guarantees for the safety of the patient. The situation is becoming more widespread in Italy, especially in big cities like Milan

The safety of every surgical operation is based not only on the choice of a serious operator, but also on the quality of the structure where it is made. Unfortunately, with the economic crisis, making important interventions in an unsuitable environment has become a habit. Conitnue...

Why apply to cosmetic surgery

Why apply to cosmetic surgery
Psychological aspects
The correction of certain physical defects or blemishes thanks to plastic surgery has a positive impact on the psychological state of the patients. When plastic surgery is used with moderation or intelligence, the resulting effects are only positive.
The increase of self-esteem is one of the many results we can expect, which implies: a greater self-confidence, a greater pleasure to stay with other people finally feeling at ease, a general much more confident attitude towards life. However, the statistics, show that every year, only in Italy, thousands of cosmetic surgery are made, to correct more or less important blemishes. Patients who decide to make surgeries of this type can be pushed by physiological needs, for example when a physical defect prevents a correct life, or just for aesthetic needs. Continue...

Modern cosmetic surgery

Modern cosmetic surgery
Modern cosmetic surgery operations
It is very difficult to list all cosmetic surgery primarily because of the flourishing, in the last decades, of new procedures and more and more advanced technology that also involve similar medical specialties, such as dermatology, dentistry, physical medicine and so on. In a short descriptive way, the goals of cosmetic surgery can be divided into three main groups: the correction of developmental defects that lead the morphology of the individual, once in adulthood, to deviate from the norm aesthetic average; the minimization of the effects of 'aging; restoration of global body contours and shapes.

In the first group are included surgeries aimed at correcting the characteristics of some parts of the head or malformation syndromes. Continue...

The history of surgery

The history of surgery
 The surgery in the ancient times
According to the definition, Surgery is a branch of medicine that cures pathologies with interventions made inside or outside of the body and it dates back to antiquity. 
Plastic surgery has very old origins: “plastic” derives from the Greek “plastikos”, meaning “to mould”. But some descriptions of the first  plastic surgery operations are mentioned in the Egyptian Papyri and in the Sanskrits of ancient India. Continue...

Thesis & Video

Here below you will find the link to display the thesis in PDF format and you can also view the video that will be screened on 21 March during my session of graduation. I hope you like it!

 PDF Format Thesis

English version Video:

Click here to watch the VIDEO on YouTube.